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 Spec. рс 2241-006-31585841-97
Hygienic Certificate ╧о.457.4.00. dated 12.04.2000

VUPREX decorative/ antiseptic compound is manufactured on the basis of light-proof polymer water dispersion and contains water insoluble non-toxic antiseptic with additives, ensuring hardiness.

VUPREX compound is explosion and fire proof being non-toxic for human both at usage, and in operation.

Compound may be readily applied onto timber by means of manually and pneumatically operated painter appliances. It impregnates the timber surface layer, forming simultaneously transparent protective film and toning the timber.

VUPREX compound consumption at two layer coating amounts 120 - 150 g/m2 surface area. Drying time of each compound layer not exceeding 40 minutes at normal conditions, i.e. +20╟C temperature and 60% humidity. Old timber coating requires prior anti-fungus cleansing with MIKAUT compound, providing for timber discoloration. It is also necessary to make surface clean from old paint and other pollution.


Visual appearance

Light-lilac color opaque liquid
Minimum dry residue, % 50
Minimum density (kg/dm3/kg/l) 1.05
Minimum B3-4 viscosity, seconds 15
Minimum hardiness, cycles 5
Maximum drying time up to 3rd Grade at 20 ╟C, hours 1
Coating visual appearance upon drying Transparent semi-glossy film exposing the timber texture
Minimum duration of antiseptic and fireproof effect (coating shelf life), years 10

Due to inherent anti-fungus properties, water repellency and decorative capacities VUPREX compound protects safely coated timber surface against aging and rotting. The consumer may tone at his will the timber with TONIWOOD compounds, followed by VUPREX compound coating.

 VUPREX compound coated surfaces resistance to exposure of mold fungus and environmental factors particular examination results demonstrated the following:

Timber samples treated with VUPREX protective/antiseptic compound.

Biological resistance assessment.


Material Fungus resistance under Russian Standard цняр 9.050-75, points
A method A method

VUPREX compound has fungus resistance properties.

 VUPREX protective/decorative compound efficiency. 

Examination results.

Protective aid name and consumption,

Samples damage degree with timber painting and mold fungus, groups:

upon expiry, days points upon expiry, days points upon expiry, days points
5 10 15 5 10 15 5 10 15
% area % area % area


5 15 30 4 10 20 35 4 5 15 35 4
Test value 25 50 60 5 30 55 75 5 25 40 50 4

 Total 27 types fungus comprising 3 groups covering 9 types each have been examined.

That is, the examinations demonstrate that VUPREX protective/decorative compound, with the proviso of fungicide content therein not exceeding 3%, may be qualified as efficient preparation with respect to timber painting and mold fungus in accordance with Russian Standard цняр 30028.4-93.

VUPREX compound coatings applied onto timber withstood tests in course of 15 cycles under Russian Standard цняр 9.401-91 (method 2) featuring none modification of coating protective capacities and slight change in decorative appearance (humidity chamber: +40╟C; freezing chamber: -45╟C; artificial environment chamber: +60╟C; ultraviolet radiation: 385 hours at 35 Wt/m radiation rate.

Sanitary-chemical investigations of those timber samples treated with VUPREX compound demonstrated practically negligible hazardous volatile substances emanation and minimum odor intensity (1 point) at odorometer investigations.

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