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Spec. рс 2241-004-31585841-97 
Hygienic Certificate ╧о.458.4.00. dated12.04.2000

Long-life efficient low toxic explosion and fire proof water dispersion compound for simultaneous antiseptization and fire protection of the wooden materials and structures inside premises, buildings and structures.

VUPRIN compound features good antiseptic and fireproof properties and technologically usable. VUPRIN ensures necessary impregnation depth forming transparent semi-glossy film on processed surface.

VUPRIN compound may be applied onto processed surface with brush, roller as well as with paint sprayer. Estimated consumption at two/three layer coating amounts 120 - 150 g/m2 processed surface.

Recommended temperature range during works performance is from +15 to +20 ºC. Drying time of each layer not exceeding 40 minutes at minimum operating temperature. Three-fold treatment of wooden materials and structures with VUPRIN compound provides for fungus and fire protection during the whole term of premises or building maintenance. VUPRIN compound may be toned with painting concentrates.

As regards to the degree of affecting the human organism, VUPRIN compound is qualified as 4th hazard grade, i.e. least hazardous substances under Russian Standard цняр 12.1.007.

As regards to the fireproof properties in accordance with Russian Standard цняр 16363-78, VUPRIN compound ensures obtaining the hardly flammable timber (Group 1 at three-fold treatment), with a mass loss not exceeding 9% further to the Opinion of VIAM Specialized Lab.


Visual appearance

Cream color opaque liquid
Minimum dry residue, % 45
Minimum density (kg/dm3/kg/l) 1.15
Minimum B3-4 viscosity, seconds 15
Minimum hardiness, cycles 5
Maximum drying time up to 3rd Grade at 20 ╟C, hours 1
Coating visual appearance upon drying Transparent semi-glossy film
Minimum duration of antiseptic and fireproof effect (coating shelf life), years 30

VUPRIN compound fireproof and anti-fungus properties are characterized by the following parameters.

VUPRIN compound fireproof properties examination results.Test samples: timber particles 30x30x150 mm dimensions

Sample number Protective coating brandname Fireproof decoration method Sample mass loss Fireproof efficiency group

Exterior brush treatment, 3-layer coating with interim layers drying during 1 .5 hours

2.62 4.0
2 4.08 6.2 1
3 4.00 6.3 1
4 1.98 3.1 1
5 1.79 2.9 1
6 2.29 3.6 1

Timber samples treated with VUPRIN protective/fireproof compound.

 Biological resistance assessment.

Material Fungus resistance under Russian Standard цняр 9.050-75, points
A method A method

VUPRIN compound has fungus resistance properties.

Sanitary-chemical investigations of those timber samples treated with VUPRIN compound demonstrated that practically none hazardous substances emanate into the air therefrom: (phenol: none observed; formaldehyde: none observed; vinyl chloride: none observed).

Odorometer investigations of a timber coated with VUPRIN compound demonstrated that the timber samples are practically odor-free (odor intensity: 1 point, i.e. minimum value).

That is VUPRIN protective/fireproof compound for timber complies with the most strict ecology requirements applicable within living areas.

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